Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grand River = Grand Beads

Just wanted to chime here for a few minutes to spread the word about my next show coming up (really soon actually!)...

I'll be selling at the Grand River Bead Society Show and Sale on October 3rd, in Guelph, Ontario. Check out my show page on my website for more info here, or my facebook fan page! It's my first time doing this particular show (but it's no new show, that's for sure) so I'm excited about it! I'm anxious to meet even more fun beady people out in that way of the province! (But I still love my Toronto bead pals too!)

Furthermore, that little birdie I mentioned in my last post flew back around here and told me that the next Lampworker's Trunk Show at beadFX will be November 28th, 10-5. I have a few more shows in the meantime to prep for, so I should get my butt back in the studio (after dinner!) hee hee

Talk soon.

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