Monday, October 12, 2009


Two turkey dinners, two nights in a row... left over turkey sandwiches and still looking forward to homemade turkey soup ~ but I'm stuffed! It was a great family gathering of 39 people, although we were still missing a good bunch of people that couldn't make it from out of town or had other dinner commitments.

42 pounds of turkey, 36 pounds of mashed potatoes (and I'm not sure who peeled and cut them all up but one of the aunts deserves a ribbon!) 8 homemade pies; apple crumble and pumpkin of course, homemade carrot cake with whipped cream AND vanilla ice cream! Sheesh...
lots to be thankful for!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends! Back to business tomorrow, after a long lazy-dazy day today (because we all know that turkey makes you tired?) Click here... A Myth apparently?

Either way, it's definitely worth it! Yummmm!

Be back soon with more beady-type news.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi Erin...
not sure I've popped in for a visit before . your beads are gorgeous.
& your Turkey sandwich talk is making me very hungry ;0)
have a great week
mona & the girls